English writing on the walls of Genoa’s old town

Scritte inglesi muri Genova Centro Storico

“Discover the mystery of historic english inscriptions in Sottoripa, Genoa: a relic of “World War II”

As you wander through the quaint streets of Sottoripa in Genoa, not so far from our hostel, you might come across some faded but still legible English inscriptions stating: “THIS STREET OFF LIMITS TO ALL ALLIED TROOPS”. These words, seemingly straight from World War II, hide a fascinating and significant story.

At the end of World War II, Genoa, severely affected, hosted Anglo-American troops. The city’s portside alleys, or “caruggi”, were known to be dangerous, infested with criminals luring young sailors into a maze of narrow, dark passages where robberies and violence were frequent. To prevent incidents, military authorities declared Genoa’s historic center “off limits” to allied troops, thus marking a clear and inviolable boundary.

These inscriptions, etched onto granite blocks at the entrances of historic alleys in Sottoripa, such as Caprettari, Stampa, and Fornetti, survived for nearly eighty years. Unfortunately, these historical markers were unintentionally erased during cleaning operations by volunteers, losing a significant part of Genoa’s urban history.

This story tells not just of simple graffiti, but of a piece of history that has withstood time, offering a unique glimpse into Genoa’s past. Learn more about the hidden history behind these ancient inscriptions and life in post-World War II Genoa. Visit Sottoripa and immerse yourself in a journey through time, exploring the rich history and cultural heritage of this fascinating Italian port city.”
